
UP Government

 State government will take strict action against those who leave animals stray.

State government will take strict action against those who leave animals stray.

Yogi government is going to run a campaign for the safety of destitute animals roaming in the state. For this, instructions have been issued to the officers of all the districts. In Uttar Pradesh, there is often politics regarding animals roaming on the roads. In such a situation, the state government is taking strict action regarding the cows roaming freely on the roads. The Uttar Pradesh government has instructed all the district officers of the state to take the destitute cattle roaming on the streets to cow shelters. Livestock and Milk Development Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Dharampal Singh has said that by running this campaign in the state, we are working to protect the destitute cattle as well as taking them to cow shelters. Guidelines have also been given to the officials for this. This scheme has been issued by the state government for cow conservation.

Campaign time for cow protection

Uttar Pradesh's Livestock and Milk Development Minister Dharampal Singh says that the first phase of this scheme will be ensured in Bareilly, Jhansi, and Gorakhpur divisions from September 10 to September 25. Work will be done to transport the cows wandering on the roads to the cow shelter. Along with this, proper arrangements will also be made for their food and drink. 

Also read: Yogi government fixed budget of Rs 75 to 350 crore for Chief Minister Farm Security Scheme

Legal action will be taken against those who abandon animals

Uttar Pradesh's Livestock Minister Dharampal Singh has requested the farmers and cattle herders of these districts not to leave any animal destitute on the roads. If any person is found doing this, legal action can be taken against him. He has instructed the district officials to identify those people who are leaving animals on the empty roads. Also, this campaign should be promoted in a phased manner in the entire state. The government will build cow shelters in all the districts with the help of local administration, MNREGA, and Panchayati Raj Department and the capacity of the already existing cow shelters will also be expanded.

Also read: Nandini Krishak Bima Yojana issued by the Yogi government will encourage indigenous species of cows.

Ear tagging of cattle will be done

Livestock and Dairy Development Minister Dharampal Singh has said that ear tagging of all the animals in rural areas will be done. With its help, care and monitoring of cattle will become much easier. Apart from this, the government will also make arrangements for adequate fodder, medicines, and vaccination for animals for protection from medicinal and infectious diseases in flood-affected districts.

Sugarcane price will increase in this state, sugarcane farmers will get benefits

Sugarcane price will increase in this state, sugarcane farmers will get benefits

The Yogi government may soon give a gift to the farmers of Uttar Pradesh. The state government may increase the price of sugarcane in the coming days. Keeping in mind the interest of farmers, the UP government may soon announce the prices of sugarcane. After implementing this decision, farmer brothers will get a much higher price of sugarcane.


According to sources, the government may increase the prices of sugarcane by Rs 15 to Rs 25 in the next few days. Besides, the sugarcane minister of the state has also given such indications in his talks. However, by how much will the increase be made? There is no confirmation of this at present.

 Sugarcane farmers are continuously demanding price increase

As we all know, there is a continuous demand from farmers to increase the SAP of sugarcane. However, its price has increased in the state over the years. In Uttar Pradesh, the last time before the 2022 assembly elections, the sugarcane price was increased to Rs 350 and Rs 360 per quintal. In the meeting of the State Consulted Sugarcane Pricing Recommendation Committee held on Friday under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Durga Shankar Mishra, sugarcane farmers demanded a price increase due to the increasing cost of production.


Also read: Now the price of sugarcane will be Rs 290 per quintal.


Sugarcane price will be announced as soon as possible

At the same time, representatives of the Sugar Mill Association have raised many problems and demanded to keep the prices unchanged. After hearing everything, the Chief Secretary said that the sugarcane price would be declared as soon as possible. The related proposal will soon be placed before the Cabinet for approval. RLD and SP are continuously demanding from the government to increase the sugarcane price. According to many reports, the government may also relieve sugar mills. To reduce the expenses incurred due to the increase in sugarcane prices, the government can provide a facility of one to two rupees in transportation freight to the mills.